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All plants & accessories 20% OFF  Wszystkie rośliny i akcesoria -20%
Hoya dennisii 'Frida' for free to each order over 50€ ( use the code FRIDA )  Hoya dennisii 'Frida' gratis do każdego zamówienia powyżej 200 zł ( użyj kodu FRIDA )

  • -20%
Monstera acacoyaguensis store with hoya flowers
Monstera acacoyaguensis store with hoya flowers
Monstera acacoyaguensis store with hoya flowers
Monstera acacoyaguensis store with hoya flowers

Monstera acacoyaguensis


zł236.00 Save 20%
Lowest price within 30 days before promotion: zł221.25

cutting 1 node 1-2 leaves



You will find here only healthy, top quality plants.


Orders sent out are properly secured against damage.

  A Plant Passport will be added to each order in the HOYAPASSION store.

For shipments outside the European Union, we provide a Phytosanitary Certificate.

The cutting will be cut on the day of shipment to ensure maximum freshness of the purchased plant.

The cutting comes from my mother plant, which can be seen in the photos. Usually the leaves are adult and large in size.

Data sheet

od 250 zł do 500 zł
Stan / wielkość rośliny
sadzonka cięta

Specific References

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