Welcome to the amazing World of Hoyas 358499343_655717036074695_7333086264152806537_n.png Witaj w niesamowitym świecie Hoi ! 
All plants & accessories 20% OFF  Wszystkie rośliny i akcesoria -20%
Hoya dennisii 'Frida' for free to each order over 50€ ( use the code FRIDA )  Hoya dennisii 'Frida' gratis do każdego zamówienia powyżej 200 zł ( użyj kodu FRIDA )

  • -20%
  • New
Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers ) store with hoya flowers
Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers ) store with hoya flowers
Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers ) store with hoya flowers
Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers ) store with hoya flowers
Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers ) store with hoya flowers
Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers ) store with hoya flowers

Hoya linavergarae ( true, yellow flowers )


zł476.00 Save 20%
Lowest price within 30 days before promotion: zł476.00

cutting unrooted 2 leaves



You will find here only healthy, top quality plants.


Orders sent out are properly secured against damage.

  A Plant Passport will be added to each order in the HOYAPASSION store.

For shipments outside the European Union, we provide a Phytosanitary Certificate.


Photo flowers: Derek Cabactulan

Data sheet

powyżej 500 zł
Stan / wielkość rośliny
sadzonka cięta
Wielkość liści
liście pośrednie
Poziom zaawansowania
średnio trudne w uprawie
Kolor kwiatów

Specific References

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cutting ( unrooted ) : 1-2 leaves ( subject to availability )

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cutting unrooted 1-2 leaves ( subject to availability )